Tips For Finding Another Digital X-Ray Machine For Your Clinic On A Budget


If you run a medical clinic and you have suddenly found yourself without a digital X-ray machine because yours broke, you may be in desperate need for another one. Then again, maybe your machine still works, but your practice is growing at a rapid pace. This is causing you to get extra machines and all other supplies in order to keep up with the increasing demand of patient care. To help you find another digital X-ray machine while working with a budget, you will want to read through the following information.

22 July 2019

Tips For Home Caregivers Assisting With Dialysis


Many people who require dialysis report to a medical facility for their care several times per week. But there are patients who can undergo dialysis at home instead. This is often more comfortable for the patient, and it removes the burden of having to transport the patient to and from the doctor's office so often.  If you have been tasked with assisting a friend or family member with at-home dialysis, here are some tips you can apply to ensure the experience is a good one.

3 November 2018

What Causes Hearing Loss In One Ear?


Loss of hearing in one ear sometimes occurs. This condition is referred to as unilateral deafness or unilateral hearing loss. This condition can make it difficult for you to understand what people are saying in a crowded area, to filter out background noise or to locate the source of a sound. This condition is typically treated as a medical emergency, and you should see a doctor about it as soon as possible.

27 April 2018

Three Keys For Owning And Maintaining Medical Equipment


To be certain that you're running physician's practice to the best of your ability, you'll need to look into medical equipment repair. By looking into repairs, you'll know when it's time to replace some equipment, and when a simple maintenance call is in order. This guide will dive into the different types of medical equipment as well, so that your physician's practice is always giving the best service to all patients.

5 February 2018

Veterinary Anesthesia For Pets Of All Sizes: Accommodating Surgery Needs


Have you ever wondered how a veterinarian does surgery on a gerbil? What about surgery on a horse? Clearly, the vast and varying sizes of pets means that a veterinarian has to be able to anesthetize the animals to keep them quiet and in less pain for the surgeries. So, how does that work? It looks something like this. The Cones of Silence From the smallest pet to the largest one, veterinarians use anesthesia cones as part of their veterinary anesthesia systems.

27 November 2017

Selecting EMR Software For Your Internal Medicine Practice


As an internist, you work hard to care for the bodies of your patients. As a medical professional in charge of their own practice, you've also got to work to protect and efficiently handle patient records and bills. Electronic medical records software, also called EMR software, is a tool that should make your entire office work better, particularly when you consider EMR software created for internal medicine practitioners. You might be unclear about what specifics you should want in such software; consider these features.

13 September 2017

Basic Tips For Those Needing Medical Equipment


Healthcare is an extremely complicated field that will require the use of a variety of specialized machines to treat patients. Unfortunately, individuals are often poorly informed about the process of investing in medical equipment, but learning more about buying medical supplies and tools can provide you with a better understanding of what to expect when investing in medical equipment for your home or clinic. Will Traditional Commercial Insurance Cover Medical Equipment For A Clinic?

22 June 2017

3 Reasons To Invest In A Portable Ultrasound Machine For Your Practice


As a medical provider, your skill and knowledge goes a long way. However, in terms of the care you can provide your patients with, access to technology is equally important. One piece of equipment to consider is a portable ultrasound unit, as it can bring several benefits to your practice. Faster Patient Care When a patient walks through the door of your clinic, not only is it your goal to provide them with sufficient care but to also do so in a timely manner.

3 March 2017

Understanding How Death Doulas Are Changing Palliative Care


As America's population ages, the need for better and more customized end-of-life care becomes greater. This need has led to a variety of new palliative care services that help the dying, either directly or indirectly. Death doulas, sometimes referred to as death midwives, are just one example of the way some patients are not only coming to terms with their mortality, but in some cases, embracing it as a valuable experience in its own right.

17 May 2016