Basic Tips For Those Needing Medical Equipment


Healthcare is an extremely complicated field that will require the use of a variety of specialized machines to treat patients. Unfortunately, individuals are often poorly informed about the process of investing in medical equipment, but learning more about buying medical supplies and tools can provide you with a better understanding of what to expect when investing in medical equipment for your home or clinic.

Will Traditional Commercial Insurance Cover Medical Equipment For A Clinic?

If you have recently started your own clinic, you have likely invested a considerable amount of your capital in medical equipment. Furthermore, you will have ongoing costs for the various supplies that you will need on a frequent basis. Unfortunately, many people will simply assume that their commercial insurance policy provides coverage for these items. Yet, it is a reality that this may not always be the case as this equipment can be extremely expensive. As a result, it may be possible for a single machine to cost more than the lifetime coverage limits for your commercial policy. To ensure that your medical devices are protected, you should purchase an addendum that is especially for these devices as this type of policy will have much higher limits.

Do Medical Equipment Suppliers Only Sell To Clinics And Hospitals?

While hospitals and clinics may be the largest customers of a medical equipment supplier, there are many of these services that will also work with private buyers. This can be particularly important for those that suffer from chronic conditions that require them to use an assortment of tools and devices to move around. To help accommodate private buyers, these suppliers will often offer delivery services to make transporting large pieces of equipment an easier task.

Is An Extended Warranty On These Machines Worth The Cost?

If your clinic is very busy, there is a good chance that many of the medical devices will be used on an almost daily basis. This can cause these machines to experience significant wear, and this can be further worsened if your employees are negligent in maintaining these devices. Most pieces of medical equipment will use extremely specialized components, and this can take them far more expensive to repair. When your equipment is protected by an extended warranty, you will be able to have many of the more common problems that a vehicle can experience repaired by the manufacturer. While you may not want to pay the additional cost for this warranty protection, a single repair to a major system can easily cost more than this type of warranty would require.


22 June 2017

Understanding Medical Equipment Features

After my daughter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I knew that it was going to be a long and difficult journey for our family. We knew that her disease would become progressively worse as time went on, but we didn't realize how quickly that would happen. Fortunately, we had access to top-of-the-line medical equipment, which really helped us to get our daughter around the house and out the door for school. This blog is all about understanding medical equipment features, how to discern which options would help you, and how to solve equipment problems before they put a crimp in your daily schedule.